Check out this interesting editorial from the Pierce County Herald:
Pierce County Herald
Published Thursday May 21, 2009
Around Pierce County hundreds of people stare at blank computer screens waiting for graphics and videos to load.
While affordable high-speed Internet access is taken for granted by those who have it, others know the frustration of depending on dial-up.
From school children trying to do homework to adults using the Internet for entertainment to workers hoping to telecommute, the lack of broadband connection is a disadvantage.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration has found that broadband access enhances economic growth and performance. Communities in which mass-market broadband is available experience more rapid growth in employment, the number of businesses overall and the number of businesses in information technology sectors.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will provide funding for a variety of projects. County leaders say one that has the most potential for a significant impact on Pierce County is countywide broadband.
They say countywide high-speed Internet can improve public safety, economic development and government access.
Soon the National Telecommunications and Information Administration will release details about grants that will be available. Once the details are released, it’s expected that local agencies will have just 60 days to apply.
The grants will have these goals:
- Facilitate telemedicine by helping patients in rural areas confer online with medical specialists in urban areas and share information and test results quickly.
- Improve distance learning programs by allowing students to complete course work from home.
- Offer “smart grids” that deliver electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology to save energy, reduce costs and increase reliability.
This could be the opportunity Pierce County needs to help to support and grow its business base.
You can help by going to the Wisconsin Public Service Commission’s website and filling out a survey to support the need for high-speed Internet. That address is